Saturday, November 21, 2009
Born To Be Wild.........
Here is one sweet ride! It belongs to a very good friend of mine. He wanted some pictures of it, so we took advantage of the unusually warm weather and got some great ones! I had some fun with the post processing and this is one of the ones that I came up with! I think that it is my favorite! Thanks for letting me take these photos! It was so much fun! Be careful on it!

Monday, November 2, 2009
Bethany ~ Class of 2010
Meet Bethany! Bethany is a wonderful girl that I know from the band. We got together and did her senior session at Fort McIntosh in Beaver. She is interested in Civil War history, so this was the perfect place for her portraits! I really love how unique they are! I am always up for an adventure, and this was a very educational one! Bethany, enjoy your senior year. As I tell everyone, it will go by very fast! Good Luck at PIMS!
Miss K and Little I
Meet Miss K and Little I! We were hoping that we would get good weather and we did! It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon! Little I was feeling a bit under the weather, but she did wonderful! Miss K is a natural! They are both so beautiful and I had a wonderful time during our session! I hope that they had fun as well and I look forward to watching them grow! Enjoy your video girls and the rest of the nice weather before the snow flies!!
Miss K and Little I ~ Sneak Peek
Here is a sneak peek of Miss K and Little I's session. Check back soon for their video!

Friday, October 30, 2009
Kelsey ~ Class of 2010
Meet Kelsey! We met up at her home for her Senior Portrait session. Kelsey is on her school's tennis team and she plays piano. That is why I choose Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata as her song. It is one of my favorite piano sonatas. Kelsey, I'd like to thank you and your family for welcoming me into your home! Have a fun-filled Senior Year! It will go by fast!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Evan ~ Class Of 2010
Meet Evan! We actually got a nice day for his Senior Portraits, although it was a bit chilly! Evan is in a band, and is also into swords, which led to some neat portraits! He brought his family along for his session and they were great! As we were walking up to the tracks, a train came, so we seized the moment and got some really unique shots! Evan, I hope you and your family enjoy your portraits! Have a wonderful Senior year and enjoy every minute of it. It will go by fast!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
My Favorite Subjects..............
my beautiful girls! Fall is my favorite time of year. We took advantage of a beautiful day, which lately are hard to come by with all the rain we've been having! They are growing up so fast and it seems as if every day goes faster! I'm so happy that I got to record this moment in time. Now if I could only stop them from growing up! No, seriously, everyday is a new adventure and I wouldn't trade a second of it! I Love You Girls!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Sam ~ Class of 2010
Caution!!! Image overload! Meet Sam! We had some trouble getting Sam and his family to our first spot due to some detours, but once we got started, it was great!! Sam is in a band, and brought along his two guitars. He plays very well, as I got to listen while I took some pictures! Sam brought his mom and sister with him and we had some laughs! We had a scary moment on our way up to the tracks, as there was a civil war re-enactment going on and they were shooting muzzle loaders in our direction! All in all, it was a great day! We got so many great shots that it was hard to narrow it down! Sam, have a great Senior Year! It will go by all too fast! Good luck in your future pursuits!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday to my beautiful niece and handsome nephew! Aren't they adorable?! I am late on posting this, and for that I do apologize! We had so much fun taking these photos! My nephew does not like to get his picture taken, but he did wonderful! I hope that they had a wonderful birthday! It was great spending time with them! I love you guys!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Matt and Megan ~ October 2, 2009
Here is Matt and Megan's wedding video! (see below for more in a separate blog post!) It was a beautiful intimate wedding at Pearson Park. The weather did not cooperate, but it didn't matter! There was a lot of love there! I wish you both the best of luck in your life together!
also goes out to another one of our clients, Sam. She has also been chosen to be on her high school's homecoming court. We will be there cheering her on as well! Good luck!

Sam ~ 2010 ~ Sneak Peek
Here is a sneak peek of Sam's senior portraits. It was so hard to choose just one, and I am still not sure that this is my favorite! Check back soon for his senior video!

What's All The Racquet About?
The LHS girls tennis team, of course!! I had the honor of photographing them last week. Again, the weather put a damper on the photographs. I was not able to do the poses that I wanted to do, as it had rained all day and the wind was very harsh! But we got them in and had a little fun doing them! Girls, have a great season! Here is a sneak peek at your team photo!

Megan and Matt October 2, 2009
This past Friday, I had the honor of photographing Megan and Matt's wedding. Megan is the sister of my best childhood friend, so this one was very special to me! I have a lot of great memories from when we were younger! They had some obstacles on the day of their wedding: heavy rain, getting stuck behind a car accident on their way to their wedding, but in the end it was beautiful! Megan and Matt were surrounded by their immediate families. As we stood in the gazebo in the pouring down rain, you could feel that love was in the air! Megan and Matt, I wish you the best that life has to offer! And if the old adage is true that if it rains on your wedding day it means good luck, you will have a ton of it!

RAYSL Fall 2009
I have been photographing the entire RAYSL soccer league since the Spring sessions of 2008. I am honored to be able to not only photograph these children, but to watch them grow up as well! It is amazing how fast that happens! This is one of my favorite team photos from this year's Fall sessions. The coach came up with the pose and the props, and the girls added their attitude! It's great!! I hope that everyone has fun this fall and good luck to all the teams!

to one of our 2010 Seniors, Kelsi. She has been chosen to be on her high school's homecoming court! We will be there cheering you on! Good Luck!

Busy, Busy, Busy........
and loving every minute of it! I will soon have some updated blog material!!! I have been photographing the RAYSL Soccer League. It is so much fun to watch all of them grow up! Some other things you will see is the LHS Girls Tennis Team, a small, beautiful, intimate wedding, and some senior portraits! Stay tuned!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Jamal and John ~ Class of 2010
Meet Jamal and John! We got together on a beautiful Sunday to shoot their Senior Portraits. We had fun and captured some great moments! You'll see some of the fun in a few shots that I couldn't leave out! Jamal and John, you will not find any bugs in your portraits, but if you look closely, you will find that our squirrel friend did make it into a shot or two! Guys, have a great Senior year and I wish you luck in your future pursuits!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Ready, Set, GO!!!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Are you ready for some...........
SOCCER! On Thursday, I had the pleasure of photographing the EC Boys Soccer team. They were a lot of fun to work with! I got to watch some of their game afterward and it was a hard-hitting game. They really play tough and they were doing great! For the team, here is a sneak peek at your team photo. Good luck with your season!

Thursday, September 10, 2009
Girls just wanna have fun!
Whew! What a busy day! Today I had the pleasure of photographing the LHS Girls Volleyball Team and the LHS Girls Soccer Team. They were all so much fun to work with! Here is a sneak peek at your team photos! Good luck with your seasons this year!

Sunday, September 6, 2009
Steven~Class of 2010
This past week, I got to meet a fellow band member (yes I was in the band!)! We got to have some fun with his band uniform at his school's practice field. As you can tell, I couldn't pick which one I liked the best! Steven is also on his school's tennis team. We tried to take some on the courts, but there was an unscheduled match in progress. So we improvised and got some really nice shots outside of the courts! Steven, I hope you have a fun-filled Senior Year! Enjoy every minute because it goes by fast!
Steven~Class of 2010~Sneak Peek
Here is a sneak peek of Steven's Senior Portraits. Check back soon for his Senior Video!!

Saturday, September 5, 2009
Are you ready for some FOOTBALL!
It's that time of year again! One of my favorite times of the year!! FOOTBALL Season!! Last night, I attended our 1st hometown High School football game and I got to spend that time with some friends. It was so much fun! As I sat there, I remembered a poem that I would like to share with you all. Not only does this apply to football, but to all sports played by boys and girls alike! Our boys played a long hard game, and I am extremely proud of them! Although this did not apply to any of the fans within my earshot last night, or maybe not to any of the fans in our stadium, I am sure that it applies somewhere! So go to your High School football games and cheer on your boys!! Just remember one thing: They are just boys, not men!! Read on!!
Please don't curse that boy down there
He is my son, you see;
He's only just a boy you know,
He means the world to me.
I did not raise my son, dear fan,
For you to call him names;
He may not be a super-star
And these are high school games.
So please don't knock those boys down there,
They do the best they can;
They've never tried to lose a game,
They're boys and you're a fan.
The game belongs to them, you see
You're really just a guest;
They do not need a fan who gripes,
They need the very best.
If you have nothing nice to say,
Please leave the boys alone;
And if you have no manners,
Then please just stay at home.
So, please don't curse those boys down there,
They'll hustle 'til they're done;
And win or lose or tie, you see
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Chelsey~Class of 2010~Part 2
Here it is! Part 2 of Chelsey's Senior Portrait video! Once again we got some great shots! I absolutely loved the dress! It was worth waiting for! We had a great time as usual! I hope that you have a fun filled Senior Year! It will go by very fast! Love Ya!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Chelsey~Class Of 2010~Part 1
This is my beautiful niece Chelsey. We had a lot of fun doing the first part of her Senior Portraits! I can't believe that she is a Senior!! Time really flies. I hope that she had as much fun as I did. We had wonderful weather that let us capture some beautiful shots! I can't wait to do the next session! Until then, I hope you enjoy Part 1 of your senior video!! Love Ya!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Check This Out!
I was surfing the web this morning and came upon this article. Imagine my surprise when I read about my company! I am so tickled about it, that I couldn't wait to share it with you! We've worked hard these past few years and are loving every minute of it! We've met a lot of wonderful people that we are glad to call our clients. I've said it before, but I have the best job in the world! Click on the link below to read the article!!
Getting a Great Engagement Photograph in Ellwood City
Congratulations on your engagement! Up next are some furious months of planning and preparation, start with a great professional photograph for the official release.

Congratulations on your engagement! Up next are some furious months of planning and preparation, start with a great professional photograph for the official release.
The Pride of Ellwood City.........

The 2009-2010 Lincoln High School Marching Blue Band! I had the privilege of photographing the Blue Band last week. This is a great bunch of kids! I can't wait to see their half time show this year. They did a wonderful job in the Western Pennsylvania Fireman's Parade here in Ellwood City. They make our town proud!!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Kelsi ~ Class Of 2010
What a wonderful way to kick off my 2010 Senior Portrait Sessions! Here is Kelsi's Senior Portrait video. We had a great time out in the woods, although we could have been run over by the train! We had just enough time to snap a picture with it. I am glad that the rain held off, as we got some beautiful shots! Kelsi, you did a wonderful job! I hope you have a fun-filled Senior Year! Good luck in your future pursuits!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Jake and Shannon
I had the opportunity to second shoot Jake and Shannon's 4th of July wedding with Beth(click on her name to see more!!). It started at the beautiful Holy Family Church in New Brighton. After the ceremony, Jake and Shannon were greeted with sparklers!! We then went to the Penn State - Beaver campus for some beautiful photos of Jake and Shannon and some fun ones of the bridal party. After that it was fun fun fun at the Center Stage in Monaca! There were so many people to share in their special day. From young to old, they all knew how to have fun! Below you will find some of my favorite photos that I captured of their day. Jake and Shannon, I wish you the best of luck in your life together! Thank you to Beth for allowing me to capture their memories with you and to Shannon and Jake for letting me be a part of your special day!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Quick Shoot
Here is the video from the quick shoot that I got to do over the 4th of July weekend. The children were wonderful and I hope they had a fun filled 4th of July!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
The More the Merrier.....
And how true that is! I had the pleasure of doing a quick shoot with these beautiful children. They were wonderful to work with! Here is a sneak peek of the session!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Little Miss M's Birthday
Here is a preview of Little Miss M's birthday portraits. We had a great time out in the woods!! Thanks for the fun day!! Enjoy!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Prom 2009
Friday was my neice's first prom. I can't believe how fast time flies!! Below are a few pictures I took of her and her boyfriend before they left. She looked so grown up and beautiful!! Her boyfriend looked good too!! Chelsey, what can I say kiddo......I've watched you grow up before my eyes!! I am so proud of you!! Hope you guys had a great time!

Jordan, you are too funny!!

Thursday, May 7, 2009
Shawn and Steve May 2, 2009
Here are a few of my favorite images from Shawn and Steve's wedding. Thanks goes out to Beth again for letting me share in their special day!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Beautiful Wedding............
On Saturday May 2, I had the honor of 2nd shooting Shawn and Steve's wedding with Beth( click her name to see more photos from their wedding!). What a beautiful wedding! It was at the First Presbyterian Church in Beaver and the reception was at the Crown Plaza in Moon Township. I had a great time with Beth, and she is a very talented photographer! And to Steve.....I didn't jinx the weather! It was absolutely gorgeous, as was your bride! Shawn, you looked stunning! I wish you both the best of luck in your life together. Check back soon, as I will be adding some of my favorite images from the wedding!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Senior portrait time is upon us again. I wanted to share with you some of my favorites from my senior sessions last year. I hope that they all had as much fun as I had photographing them! I am currently booking sessions for 2010 Seniors. Log on to our website at www.foxphotographyonline.com for more information!
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