Thursday, March 21, 2013


January through March is the slow season for me. I am happy that that is about to change! I just wanted to share some of my favorite photos with you from last year! I can't wait to get started this year!

 This photo was part of the sweet little girl's 1st Birthday Photos. One of the photos from this session has made it's way around the world! She is one famous baby!

Another one from her session:)

I met Abbey a few years ago when I shot her brother's senior portraits. I was honored to shoot her's. She was a bit nervous to be in front of the camera, but she became comfortable quickly and we got some awesome shots!

 This is Emily. She moved away from this area last year and traveled four hours for me to do her senior portraits! To say the least, I was so excited! Emily was a natural in front of the camera, and we captured some beautiful shots!

 This is a little frog that was almost stepped on on a senior portrait session! How cute!

 These next three photos are from the year before last, but we just love them!

 This photo is hilarious! I captured this photo as my assistant's flash fell off of his camera and into the stream below. Not so good for the flash, but sure made for a funny photo!

The next two photos are from a maternity session. It was a snowy Thursday evening and we contemplated cancelling due to the weather. Thankfully we didn't, as 4 days later she gave birth to their twins!

 The next two photos are from my only Op-Love session last year. It meant so much for me to be able to do these photos for her and her family, not only because she is giving up so much for us, but also because she is a friend of mine from elementary school! She served over 6 months and I am happy to report that she is now safely back home with her family!

This was a photo taken in July on a short trip last summer. My daughter participated in the Miss Teen Pennsylvania pageant and we got to visit some pretty neat places, including Gettysburg!

 A photo from Gettysburg.

 This is Randi! We met quickly one Friday afternoon to snap a couple of senior portraits of her in her tennis uniform. We get to finish her session this spring! I can't wait!

This next photo is from 2011, but we love it so we wanted to share it with you anyway! We look forward to doing some photos with them this spring!

This is Alena. She and I got along so well and were able to get some great photos! This one features what her family calls the "balancing rock". It is very neat and the location was just beautiful!
This one is from her indoor session, where we finished up her senior portraits. 

This is Brittany! She was a daredevil and was up for anything!! Boy did we have fun during her session! I am looking forward to doing her family's portraits this spring!

This is Colton! In the first photo, we were taking some photos on the football field and I saw the sun shining through the clouds. I told him to just stand there with his arms crossed, and I continued  to compose this shot.....laying on the ground! He probably thought I was crazy, as I was so excited about this one! It turned out to be one of my favorites from his session!

This one is a memorable one for me, as after this game, the soccer team was cut, leaving no soccer in the EC school district. I have worked with them since I started my business and I will miss them all! They were a fun group of kids! This is their senior night silly photo.

 This is Abbey! I have known her for a long time so I was honored to do her Senior portraits! Abbey is so much fun to be around, and she didn't disappoint! I hear from my senior portrait clients that their cheeks hurt from smiling so much. I was the one who went home with sore cheeks that night!

 This is Topher! Right after the shot below, he donated his hair! Below are the before and after pictures:)

This is Gretta! This was one of my more memorable sessions as we traveled around her chosen location by a golf cart! We had a lot of fun and got some really great shots!

This is Hannah! I absolutely LOVED this session as it was in one of my favorite places to be.....Tennessee! Hannah is the niece of a good friend we met while vacationing in Tennessee. I was so excited to do her portraits, as I've always thought that it would be an awesome location for any session! Shortly after the first photo was taken, someone driving by said "Oh look what a pretty bride!" We had a good laugh over that and had so much fun the rest of the time! I hope to do her brother's portraits there too!

This  is a bear that my husband captured while on that same trip!

I hope you enjoyed looking back as much as I have! There were many more that I would have liked to post, but it would have taken a long time! To see more, visit my facebook page! We would love the chance to work with you! To schedule a session, call or email today!

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